The Most Common Problems Students Face

In this guide, we'll look at the most common problems students face and how they can overcome them to do their best in university

Studying away at university can be tough. Students face many problems that can get in the way of success, like feeling homesick or having money troubles. But by facing these challenges and finding solutions, students can flourish. In this guide, we’ll look at the most common problems students face and how they can overcome them to do their best in university

1. Low Motivation and Lack of Concentration

Low motivation and lack of concentration are common challenges faced by students, often stemming from various sources such as disinterest in coursework, overwhelming workload, or personal issues. These factors can hinder academic performance and lead to feelings of frustration and inadequacy.

To improve motivation and focus, students should set achievable goals and break tasks into smaller steps. Finding study techniques that match their learning style can also help. Seeking support from peers, professors, or advisors can provide valuable guidance.

2. Homesickness & Depression

Leaving home and adjusting to a new environment can trigger feelings of homesickness among students, which, if left unaddressed, may escalate into depression. The sense of isolation and longing for familiar surroundings can significantly impact mental well-being and academic performance.

To overcome homesickness and depression, students can connect with peers, join campus clubs, and engage in social activities. Seeking counselling or therapy provides a safe space to address feelings of loneliness, while self-care practices like exercise, mindfulness, and hobbies promote emotional resilience and well-being.

3. Time Management & Getting Organized

Poor time management and disorganization can lead to missed deadlines, increased stress levels, and overall inefficiency in academic pursuits. Balancing coursework, extracurricular activities, and personal commitments requires effective planning and prioritization skills.

To get better at managing time and staying organized, students can begin by making a realistic schedule for studying, going to class, and enjoying free time. Using tools like planners or time-tracking apps can keep them on top of their tasks and deadlines. Setting clear goals and breaking big tasks into smaller steps can also boost productivity and reduce stress.

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4. Studying and Exam Anxiety

Studying and exam anxiety can hinder academic performance and undermine students’ confidence in their abilities. Fear of failure, perfectionism, and pressure to succeed contribute to heightened levels of stress and anxiety during exam periods.

To manage studying and exam anxiety, students can implement relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, mindfulness, or progressive muscle relaxation. Creating a study plan that incorporates regular breaks and rewards can help alleviate stress and maintain focus. Seeking academic support through tutoring, study groups, or professor office hours can also provide reassurance and clarification on challenging topics.

5. Distractions & Procrastination

In today’s digital age, students are constantly bombarded with distractions such as social media, smartphones, and online entertainment, making it challenging to stay focused on academic tasks. Procrastination often ensues, leading to decreased productivity and increased stress levels.

To fight distractions and procrastination, students should create distraction-free study spaces and use time-blocking techniques to stay focused. Setting clear study goals and practicing self-discipline, like using productivity apps or joining study groups, can also help beat procrastination.

6. Not Finding the Right Accommodation

Securing suitable accommodation is essential for students’ well-being and academic success. Issues such as noisy environments, long commutes, or unhygienic living conditions can disrupt study routines and compromise overall satisfaction.

To find the right accommodation, students should research options carefully, looking at location, amenities, and costs. Visiting potential places and talking to current residents can give important insights. They can also get help from university housing services or trusted off-campus housing resources. Consider using a reputable student housing provider for reliable options.

Viewing Student Accommodation – A Guide

7. Changing Your Subject

Sometimes you may feel that you haven’t chosen the correct subject. Selecting the perfect academic path can feel overwhelming, with career prospects, personal interests, and aspirations all playing a role. Uncertainty about the chosen subject can trigger anxiety and confusion.

To change your subject, explore various fields through introductory courses, electives, or extracurricular activities. Seek guidance from advisors or professionals to gain insights. Reflect on your strengths, interests, and goals to make informed decisions.

8. Financial Problems students face

Financial constraints can pose significant challenges for students, impacting their ability to afford tuition, housing, and other essential expenses. Juggling part-time jobs with academic responsibilities or relying on loans and scholarships may not always suffice to cover expenses.

To address financial challenges, students can explore various avenues for financial assistance, such as scholarships, grants, or work-study programs. Creating a budget and prioritizing expenses can help students manage their finances more effectively. Seeking guidance from financial advisors or university financial aid offices can provide additional support and resources to alleviate financial burdens.

9. Lack of Resources

Access to adequate resources, including textbooks, digital materials, and academic support services, is crucial for student success. Limited availability of resources can hinder learning outcomes and academic performance.

To overcome resource constraints, students can use alternatives like library resources or online databases. Study groups and peer collaboration can help share resources and improve learning. Professors, advisors, or librarians can also provide additional resources and support.

10. Lack of Sleep from Too Much Late-Night Social Time

Excessive late-night socializing can disrupt sleep patterns and negatively impact cognitive function, leading to decreased productivity and concentration during the day.

To prioritize sleep and improve sleep hygiene, students can establish a consistent sleep schedule and create a relaxing bedtime routine. Setting boundaries around late-night social activities and prioritizing restorative sleep can promote overall well-being and academic success. Practising relaxation techniques such as meditation or yoga can also help alleviate stress and improve sleep quality.

11. Loneliness

Feeling isolated or disconnected from peers and support networks can significantly impact students’ mental health and academic performance, leading to feelings of loneliness and social withdrawal.

To beat loneliness, students should look to join campus clubs and societies, attend social events, and build relationships with peers, professors, or mentors for support and belonging. Counselling services or support groups can also provide a safe space to address loneliness and find a supportive community.

About Thornsett Properties

Thornsett Properties has been providing housing solutions for The Most Common Problems Students Face in Sheffield since 1985. Catering to over 650 students studying at Sheffield Uni and Sheffield Hallam Uni every year. As property owners, Thornsett Properties manages all properties directly, ensuring quality living experiences without relying on third parties. Our goal is to support students’ success while living and studying in Sheffield student accommodation.

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